I meet with Stone
So-Rok Jeon
The project I Meet with Stone by Soon-im Kim originates from an 'encounter1.' It happens when a stone, among many ordinary and typical stones rolling and casually getting kicked by people, comes into the artist's attention. And when the moment of encounter is recorded by the artist and moved to the gallery, the stone is not just one of many stones rolling along the roads but becomes a special 'memory,' get to have another 'encounter' with someone else and again, becomes their 'memory.'
The project I Meet with Stone, having been begone since 2003, started when the artist, seeing several stones lying around on the desk, discovered herself recalling the place and the time she had picked up those stones. By recording the encounter with stone, happened in the journey of life, she is colleting the memories related to those encounters. Her work is carried out by taking pictures of the stones, writing on them where and when she encountered them, moving them to the gallery and lastly, displaying them together with the pictures. In the early stage of the project, when she encountered a stone she regarded that the encounter could only happen because the stone was rolled along from somewhere and stopped at that spot in that moment. So, she exhibited the moment of the encounter by taking the picture of the stone from her point of view, writing the date and the place and displaying the stone and the picture together. But, since one day, she has started to take the picture of scenes from the stone's point of view, by positioning the camera where the stone was laying. By displaying these pictures, she has let the audience experience the low viewpoint, which the stone might have been having.
The picture of the stone, taken before the stone was moved by the artist and which is the beginning of the recording procedure, the picture of scenes, taken from the stone's point of view, and the stone itself, moved to the gallery with the date and the place of the encounter written on it, are all the record of the artist's journey, as well as the stone's. And they lead those stones to other encounters. To make the stones, which were originally recorded and moved by the artist, encounter more people and be remembered by them, the artist let the audience participate in her project. In the exhibition, the audience gets to pick up any stone, which catches their eyes, and find the picture of that stone's original place and the view among many displays, so that another encounter could happen. This encounter could be of coincidence like the artist's because they were just at the same place at the same time. However, it could be a private event because the record of the encounter written on the stone is shared with the audience, by touching his or her own memory from sometime before. If the encounter is private like this, the stone becomes more special and brings out forgotten past memories by having the person think 'I have been there too, I went there with someone, It is where I grew up…' What the audience meet are not just stones but their own memories. And the stones rolled along from somewhere become more special to someone by making more stories and memories, through the encounter with the artist, the records, and additional encounters created from these.
I guess it is her warm affection towards the world which supported Soon-im Kim to continue her tough project for such a long time. For five years, she searched stones on the roads and carried heavy bags filled with those stones from one place to another. She treated the insignificant stones, which nobody even recognizes their existence on the road, as the object of the encounter, searched to meet them, and made records to remember their encounter. These repeated work of hers shows that the life of those stones on the roads are just like the sad and sometimes powerless life of ours in which we are kicked here and there, get exhausted and rolled along. As a futile stone is recorded and remembered as a special being by getting the warm attention of someone, we, although tired from the journey of life, are also remembered by each other as a special someone through encounters and memories. It is like being someone's special stone. And the memories stored in and sometimes come across our mind bring warmth, energy, meanings and the value to our life.
I see our way of life in I Meet with Stone. Therefore it is pleasant to see the journey of these stones, in which they become special being to someone. We become special to each other when we are remembered by someone and remember someone.
I meet with stone - 어디서 굴러먹던 돌멩이 전소록(서울시립미술관 학예연구사) 2003년부터 현재까지 계속되고 있는 <어디서 굴러먹던 돌멩이>는 책상 위를 굴러다니는 몇 개의 돌멩이를 보고, 그것을 가져온 장소와 시간을 기억해내면서 시작되었다. 삶의 여정 속에서 마주하게 된 돌멩이와의 만남을 기록해 가면서 그 만남에 관한 기억들을 담아가고 있는 것이다. 작업은 돌멩이의 사진을 찍고, 돌멩이 위에 만남의 날짜와 장소를 기록하고, 그 돌을 가방에 넣어 옮겨와 사진과 함께 전시하는 방식으로 이루어진다. 작업의 초반에는, 길을 가다가 눈에 들어오는 돌멩이를 만나면, 어딘가를 굴러다니다가 그 시간 그 길 위에 멈춰있음으로 작가와의 만남으로 이어지는 돌멩이의 사진을 작가의 시점에서 찍고 돌멩이 위에 날짜와 장소를 기록한 후 함께 전시하여 그 만남의 순간을 보여주는 방식이었지만, 어느 날부턴가 돌멩이가 있던 자리에 카메라를 내려놓고 찍은 사진을 더하여 돌멩이가 바라보고 있었을 낮은 시점까지 경험하게 한다. <어디서 굴러먹던 돌멩이>에서 우리의 살아가는 모습을 본다. 그래서 이 돌멩이들이 누군가에게 특별한 존재가 되어가는 여정이 더욱 반갑고 어쩐지 애틋한 마음도 든다. 누군가에 의해 기억되고 누군가를 기억할 때, 우리는 서로에게 특별한 존재가 된다.
만남에 대한 기록의 첫 시작이 되는 작가에 의해 옮겨지기 전에 찍은 돌멩이의 사진과, 돌멩이의 시점에서 바라본 풍경 사진, 그리고 만남의 날짜와 장소가 적힌 채 전시장에 옮겨진 돌멩이는 작가 자신의 여정의 기록인 동시에 돌멩이의 여정이 되어 또 다른 만남으로 이어진다. 작가는 자신에 의하여 기록되고 옮겨진 돌멩이들이 또 다른 누군가와의 만남이 되고 기억이 될 수 있도록 관객들로 하여금 작업에 참여하게 한다. 관객은 전시되어 있는 여러 개의 돌멩이 중 눈에 들어오는 것을 집어 들고, 같이 전시되어 있는 여러 장의 사진 중에 자신이 손에 쥐고 있는 그 돌멩이가 있었던 장소와 보고 있었던 장소가 담겨 있는 사진을 찾아 함께 가져감으로서 또 새로운 만남이 이루어진다. 이러한 만남은 작가가 길 위에서 그랬던 것처럼 그때 그곳에 함께 있었기 때문에 이루어진 우연한 만남일 수도 있지만, 돌멩이 위에 쓰여 있는 만남의 기록이 과거 언젠가의 자신의 기억을 건드리며 공유되어 졌기 때문에 이루어진 사적인 만남일 수도 있다. 그리고 이런 사적인 만남인 경우 돌멩이는 더욱 특별해지며, ‘나도 여기 갔었는데...’, ‘내가 어릴 적 살던 곳인데..’, ‘누구와 함께 갔던 곳인데...’ 하는 식의 잊고 지내온 기억들을 불러온다. 그들이 만난 것은 단지 돌멩이가 아닌 자신의 기억이며, 어디서 굴러먹던 돌멩이는 작가와의 만남과 기록, 그리고 이로 인한 또 다른 만남을 통하여 더 많은 사연과 기억을 담아가며 누군가에게 특별한 돌멩이가 되어간다.
길 위의 돌멩이를 찾아다니고 그 돌을 가방에 넣어 이리 저리 옮겨 다니는 버거운 작업이 5년이라는 긴 시간동안 계속될 수 있도록 하는 힘은 아마도 세상을 바라보는