Title : Cotton drawing
Material : cotton, cotton cloth(from etch country)
It is old woman’s faces from etch country and etch faces made by cotton from etch place that they live and lived. They use cotton and the cotton cloth for underclothes and inside cover of bedding for winter. So etch cotton is looks like there old grandmother’s face.
The first face is ‘cotton drawing’. When I had work, I just imagine of soft face. But It is looks like my grandparent.
The second face is Japanese grandmother Sato Miuki san. She is 91 years old and live in Mishimap Japan.
The third face is An, Boon-sun from An-dong Korea.
The last face is Mariana from Poznan Poland.
The Space 5
Material : cotton(from Shanghai), cotton thread
It is one of my space series. Sunlight comes down from window of the roof to soft cotton on the floor. This is looks like pure bedding. It is Soft space what heal fatigue of city life.