誠摯地邀請您參加 2018 第三季寶藏巖駐村聯合發表,展覽將於 8月24日 (五) 舉行開幕。
本次發表的駐村藝術家為 呂洋 & 漢娜.朱拉、帕特里克.托馬斯、法比安.索羅 (Flaneur Magazine 總編輯)、金順任、黄凱馭。
當天開幕活動 15:30 從十字藝廊開始,接著至山城 53 展間、防空洞、上光 9 展間和邊境 71 展間進行開幕茶會,藝術家將依序在現場解說他們的駐村創作, 詳細的時間地點請參考以下資訊。
You're cordially invited to the opening of 2018 Treasure Hill Season 3 Residency Artists Exhibition on August 24th.
The residency artists Jan LÜTJOHANN & Henna JULA , Patrik THOMAS, Fabian SAUL (editor-in-chief of Flaneur Magazine), KIM Soonim, Hiram Wong will have a casual opening party at each of their exhibition venue.
You can find more information about time and venue below. We look forward to seeing you at the opening!
2018 第三季寶藏巖駐村藝術家聯合發表//2018 Season 3 Treasure Hill Residency Artists Exhibition
● 展期 Exhibition Period/8.24(Fri.)-10.28(Sun.) 11:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)
● 地點 Venue/寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
● 藝術顧問 Consultant/曹良賓 TSAO Liang-Pin
● 藝術家 Artist/ 呂洋 & 漢娜.朱拉 Jan LÜTJOHANN & Henna JULA、帕特里克.托馬斯 Patrik THOMAS、法比安.索羅 (Flaneur Magazine 總編輯) Fabian SAUL (editor-in-chief of Flaneur Magazine)、金順任 KIM Soonim、黄凱馭 Hiram WONG
● 更多資訊 More Info/https://www.facebook.com/events/207034756836782/
● 開幕 Opening/請參考附件 Please refer to the attachment.