Poem From Iswanto 2008-07-07
2008-07-07 00:00:00

yeah, i just think of stone
maybe i'll pick you one day
the day that we met
it was the day, the moment of the last drop falling from a cup of tea
that we left in an empty table on an empty room
just silent, no words
yes, till the last drop falling
suddenly it was the day that never forgotten
never came back
no return
sounds mellow
sounds blue
stone is memory
stone is history
stone is portrait
stone is remains
stone is imagine
stone is heart
heart is a place where stone is rolling
to nowhere.


by Iswanto G Harto





stone on the highway...

heavy air and light stone...

heavy mind and light people...

this way move them to someware

this river make them meet whenever


(in the Nanji Art Studio Seoul Korea )


By Soon-Im
