20161019 Bio
2016-10-19 09:00:00




Soonim is a nature player and visual artist who interpret people and regions that she encounters in her life through subjective methods. Sculpture, installation, painting, performance, video recording, and site-specific art are applied to her works.

Kim Soonim(b. 1975, Punggi, Sobaek Mountain aria, South Korea) received an MFA(2007) and BFA(2002) in Sculpture from Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul.

Soonim has recently exhibited at outdoor of Incheon Art Platform from 26th August to 30th October 2016 about ‘Landed Ocean’. And she have done 14 times solo show at Tokyo Sanbachow Gallery Japan, Youngeun Contemporary Art Museum South Korea, SoMA Museum Seoul Korea, Ox WareHouse Macau, Openspace Bae Busan Korea and ISCP Gallery New York US.

She invited variable project exhibition 2016 GNAP-South Africa, 2015 Buk-Soeul Museum, 2014 Wadden Tide International Land Art Exhibition Danmark, 2013 Hangzhou Fiber Art Triennial, 2010 Busan Biennale, 2009 Incheon Woman Art Biennale and 2014 Gumgang Nature Art Biennale.

Currently, she lives in Incheon, works in Incheon Art Platform as 7th Residency Artist and lectures Soft Sculpture in Ewha Woman’s University and Mixed Media Art in Konkuk University.






2016인천아트플렛폼야외, 도쿄 산바초갤러리, 영은미술관, 소마미술관, KAIST Research&Art, 대안공간눈, 마카오 Ox WareHouse, 오픈스페이스배, 뉴욕 ISCP, 그림손갤러리, 등에서 개인전 14 /2009-2010 한국문화예술위원회 AYAF 1, 2010 아르헨티나 ArteBA 작품상, 2007 미국 프리멘 파운데이션 펠로우쉽 인천문화제단, 한국문화예술위원회, 서울시립미술관, 파라다이스 문화제단 등에서 수상 지원금 수혜// 2016 GNAP-South Africa, 2015 조우, 서울시립 북서울미술관, 2014 댄마크 Wadden Tide 국제랜드아트전, 2014 금강자연미술비엔날레, 2013 중국 Hangzhou Fiber Art Triennale, 2010 부산비엔날레 특별전, 2009 인천여성미술비엔날레 국내외 주요 미술관과 갤러리에서 기획 초대 발표 150여회/ 현재 인천에 거주하고, 인천아트플렛폼에서 7 입주작가로 활동하며, 건국대에서 복합매체실습을 강의하고 있다.